A few of them of them seek to titillate their audiences with immersible "adult" experiences that sometimes bend or break the rules of consent. These titles occasionally rely on bathroom humor and scatological imagery to shock and amuse their players. These games are notorious and controversial in many different ways. Some games even tap into the darkest parts of humanity, and deal with our basest instincts and worst tendencies. The games highlighted in this list set out to push what is and isn't an acceptable depiction of violence, while others seek to blur the lines between fantasy and reality through VR experiences.
However, for every silly simulator and classic platformer, there are a range of games that push society's cultural boundaries in many different ways.

A replay of in-game events provide famous perspectives on the assassination, including a Zapruder-view of the events. In video games, there's an infinite range of people you can be, places you can go, and extraordinary things you can experience. Watching Dealey Plaza through the rifle's crosshairs, players take aim on JFK, as the motorcade approaches, and are then rewarded for how accurately they can recreate the events of November 22nd 1963. You can do everything from navigating a piece of bread to a toaster, all the way up to guiding a civilization to global dominance.

One of the best and most positive aspects of video games is the absolute range of versatility in different titles and gameplay styles.